GloDAO — Development Cash Flow

3 min readJun 4, 2022


The most critical aspect of any project is that the cash flow be maintained at all times. For a DAO organization, transparency in the development of the cash flow will help that community create more trust with members. GloDAO always ensures all members are aware of the specifics before engaging in a task or purchasing tokens on decentralized exchanges to trade or stake their tokens. Upon Staking, users will have benefits such as: DAO Voting, DAO Reward (GloDAO), Get Allocation (GloPad), using tokens as fees when making private investments. All these benefits are clearly explained.

The diagram below shows how cash flow works in GloDAO

Development cash flow explanation:

Users can accumulate tokens through the tasks or directly buy tokens on the decentralized exchange to then trade or staking their tokens.

Upon Staking, users will have benefits such as: DAO Voting, DAO Reward (GloDAO), Get Allocation (GloPad), using tokens as fees when making private investments. All of these benefits have been explained in the previous sections.

  • Investor fees are calculated as follows:
    - 6% of total investment if using Stable coins.
    - 5% of the total investment if using GLD tokens to invest.
    For example: If you invest 100 USDT, the total amount of real investment you have is 94 USDT, the project will deduct 6 USDT in fees. Or if you invest 100GLD, the total amount of tokens you actually invest is 95 GLD, the project automatically deducts 5 GLD as your investment fee.

Investment fees will be distributed as follows:

  • When investors pay investment fees:
    - 45% of this amount will be used to buy back tokens and then transferred to the reward pool for users doing tasks at GloAtt (for users who choose to pay in Stable coins). Alternatively, 45% of the fee tokens will be transferred directly to GloAtt’s mission reward pool (for users who choose to pay with GLD tokens).
    - 30% of this amount will be divided among investors who are staking in GloDAO (APY 30%).
    - 10% of the fee will be put into the “Development Pool” to use as a future cost when developing new features.
    - The remaining 15% will be returned to the “Operation Team” to pay for the staff to divide the tasks and operate the project at the beginning.
  • Regarding communication fees (Including AMA, Mission task, Trial product of partners, …) they will be allocated as follows:
    - 55% will be transferred to GloAtt’s reward pool.
    - 30% will be divided equally into 3 pools “Development Pool”, “Revenue Sharing” and “Staking”, each will receive 10%.
    - The remaining 15% will be returned to the “Operation Team” to pay for the staff to divide the tasks and operate the project at the beginning

The initial period of cash flow allocated to Operation Team will be used to cover operating costs of GloDAO. After GloDAO gradually decentralizes features, the allocation rate of cash flow to Operation Team will gradually decrease and instead, this cash flow will be shifted to:

  1. Supplement rewards for users who are staking or farming, allowing users with staking or farming activities to have more rewards.
  2. After the Community KYC by Community (Cross Validation System) feature is launched, a part of the fund will be used to reward members who participate in the validation activity.

In the future, after GloDAO fully decentralizes all the remaining the features, the cash flow allocated to Operation Team will be completely eliminated.

When the project wants to promote itself on the GloDAO platform, the project can send tokens to perform airdrop and award bounty to users. This mechanism helps the project gain more followers, in which 100% of these tokens will be put into GloAtt’s reward pool.

GloDAO’s expected goal is to gradually convert all features to a more decentralized form. Therefore, a closed development cash flow model is always necessary for the system to run smoothly and efficiently on its own.

